Sunday 18 April 2010

Wordpress Social Bookmarking Plugins

 Social bookmarking widget is a must have for a blog. There some really good social plugins for wordpress which are mostly used by the bloggers and these plugins are the best you can get for your blog.

  • AddThis Plugin: The plugin is provided by only, the plugin lists some really top and important social media websites you can share your bookmarks with, also there is option to send the page via email to your friends.
  • ShareThis: This plugin is provided by team. This is an elegant social bookmarking plugin for wordpress, emailing the page to your friends is so much easier with this plugin.
  • Sociable Plugin For Wordpress: Sociable plugin adds social bookmarking buttons at the bottom of your posts. You can choose your favoutite bookmarking sites button to show at the bottom of your posts. You can also change the location of the buttons if you want and you can do that from your backend panel.