Sunday 18 April 2010

5 Wordpress Plugins to Boost Blog Comments

 Increase blog comments with the help of these plugins. These plugins will encourage your visitors to post comments in your blog and increase the returning visitor ratio in your blog which will in turn increase your blogs traffic.

  1. Top Commentators Plugin: Most people like recognition. Top commenters plugin puts a sense of competetion amongst commentators and invites them again and again to your blog to compete for a place in top commentators list.
  2. Dofollow plugin: This plugin helps you remove the nofollow tag from links posted in comments. Providing a dofollow to your commentators will invite them to comment on your blog more often as they will be able to leave a link of their blog which will count in Google.
  3. CommentLuv: It's an amazing plugin to invite your visitors to comment on your posts. The plugin's feature crawls the commentator's site and retrives the latest blog post from their blog. This is a great way to gesture your loyal visitors by giving something valuable in return.
  4. Subscribe to comments: This plugin allows your visitors to subscribe to recieve email alerts for comments posted on the posts they are interested in.
  5. Most Commented posts plugin: This plugin generates list of top commented posts in your blog. The people are attracted to those posts which are commented and more talked about in a blog. This encourages people to read more posts of your blogs by creating an anxiety to read something which has been commented so many times.