Sunday 18 April 2010

Top 10 Important Tips For Beginner Bloggers

There is no point is starting a blog blindly and drain your precious time for nothing. It's better to learn about the requirements and preparations for blogging. It's always good to know where you are going instead of just going somewhere, where you get nothing.

The worst part is getting stuck where you might ask yourself that you have spent so much of quality time on your blog but still nothing seems to be happening. Well you can't blame the blogging profession for this. If you think you have been failing in blogging till now or you are new to blogging and don't want to face these situations then it's better to research and get to know about blogging. I know this can be a bit of time consuming but trust me with all that knowledge with you before starting a blog, you can do wonders.

Top 10 things to know before starting blogging:

1. Know your niche: Make sure before starting your blog you know what you will be writing for. Don't just write for anything or any topic that you find on internet. Create your own identity by writing for something unique that people will like to read and also will think of coming back to your blog. Give your blog it's own identity by making it something special.

2. Who you are writing for?: Make sure you know your audience you are writing for. Keep in mind before writing that what kind of people would be interesting in reading your articles. Also design your blog in the way that it suites your audience and they don't fell awkward while following your blog.

3. Be a Brand: Make yourself and your blog a brand on internet. Promote your blog like a brand not just any other product, promote its unique niche. Tell people about your blog and tell them why they should visit your blog.

4. Networking: Create a network with other bloggers. Share news and information about blogging with other bloggers. Ask them to review your blog, this way you will come to know about weaknesses and strengths of your blog and this will only help you improve your blog.

5. Being Visible: Take part in communities and forum sites. Answer questions and queries of other people and also don't forget to tell them about your blog by dropping a link along with a suggestion. This will help you improve the popularity of your blog amongst the community members.

6. Keep your blog busy: Don't forget to update your blog. Always try to provide something new to your visitors so they would expect something new next time. By not updating your blog you will be only making an impression of a static website.

7. Keep yourself updated: There is something new coming up everyday for bloggers. So, make sure that you are aware of what's coming up and according to that you are willing to make those changes. Also the fact it's good to have the information about the latest tools for bloggers, these tools always help to make the life easier for the bloggers.

8. Willing to take Risks: Beginners in blogging are quite often afraid of trying new things in their blog. There are so many tools an widgets to improve your blog and increase the visibility of your blog in search engines. Don't be afraid of trying new features for your blog. New features are only developed to make the life easier for bloggers, so, try to step forward and try those new features.

9. Always be yourself: When you are writing for your blog try to be your self instead of impersonating someone Else's personality in your blog. Create your own personality with your writing and communicating with your loyal visitors. Don't think of blog as only a source of news but take is as a medium of communication with the readers of your blog. Build a relation with your readers of your blog with your personality and putting that personality in your writing.

10. Asking for Help: Blogging is a very vast ocean of knowledge, even when you know a lot there is so much more to learn as new things keep coming up every day. Even the experienced of bloggers cannot run the whole blogging system on their own they have to be a part of the blogging community and the social media community. Don't be afraid or shy of asking for help from other bloggers of the community and vice versa. Success in blogging relies on networking. So, always remember to help others so they will love helping you.