Sunday 18 April 2010

How To Reduce Bounce Rate Of A Blog Or Website?

It's better late then never, maybe you might have ignored your analytics bounce rate for a long time but don't worry you can still work on it and get those high bars down. It's a normal problem faced by bloggers and website owners to get more than one page views from their visitors. This is something that no one has control over because you can't tell your visitors to visit all pages of your blogs but you can always guide them to visit another page on your blog.

What is bounce rate?
Bounce rate is the percentage of visits that came to a website and visitors left the website without viewing any other page from the website.
There are few things which you can do to lower your bounce rate to a great extent:
  • Design of your website: You may think that everything is perfect with website design and it is stunning but my friend no use of being self obsessed with your blog design if your visitors are not hitting on any other link on your blog. So, try and rethink what I have just said and try to analyze your design according to the demands and the requirements of your visitors. If the flashy and cool look not working for you then try to make it a bit simpler by making few small and smart changes here and there.
  • Complex Navigation: Make sure you keep your navigation simple and easy to operate. It's always a good idea to have your most clicked categories in the head section of a website. I have seen a few websites and blogs where I had to look for the navigation panel and it was hidden somewhere in the sidebar between ads. Please don't try to highlight advertisements more than the website content and navigation links because that will only result in leaving your website without visiting any other page and you wont like that I suppose.
  • Website content: Having good and useful content is most important thing which will bind your visitors to your website and if they like your content's information then they would surely love to read more from your blog.
  • Related information: Related posts widget is a great tool and option to offer related content to your visitors. This tools really helps in getting more page views from visitors. Don't make a mistake by taking this tool for granted by not putting it in your blog, that will only result in losing a potential visitor.
  • Build targeted traffic: Work on getting more targeted traffic to your website. The only way to do is to start optimizing your website for search engines. I know it's a very time consuming task but it pays you in long term. Make sure you have corrected all the above mentioned points to start working on SEO for your website. If you somehow get high bounce rate from search engine traffic then shame on you and start over again on these tips and this time don't hurry. Read this also: SEO tips for beginner bloggers
  • Surprise element: In your post content try surprising your visitors by offering them some new information but remember that must be related to the content of that post and the surprise should be pleasant of course, don't piss them off deceiving them. This will build an excitement in your readers and he would be interested to see what he is to get more in your other blog posts.
Now what? I think you know enough to work on your bounce rate now. What are reading for now, you won't get to see any miracle now. So start working.